

惊奇队长(Captain Marvel)的饰演者布丽·拉尔森(Brie Larson)透露,她想要与绿巨人(The Hulk)来一场肉搏战。


Captain Marvel is a long ways off with a release planned for March 8, 2019, but the title character (a.k.a. Carol Danvers) has already been cast in Oscar winner Brie Larson (Room). Don't be surprised, then, if she shows up in another Marvel film like Infinity War prior to this movie. Up and coming directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck (Half Nelson, Mississippi Grind) will helm the film.

不过拉尔森得要排个队,因为绿巨人档期很紧张,今年晚些时候他要参加《雷神3:诸神黄昏(Thor: Ragnarok)》的演出。而且,《惊奇队长(Captain Marvel)》电影设定在90年代早期,离布鲁斯·班纳(Bruce Banner)受到辐射变身绿巨人还有10年呢。

事实上,2019年上映的《惊奇队长》电影中的反派将是斯库鲁人(The Skrulls)。漫威与二十世纪福斯电影公司(20th Century Fox Film Corporation)共同拥有斯库鲁人的版权,因此漫威电影宇宙中,斯库鲁人能够作为反派出现。

Expect Hulk to play a pivotal role in both Avengers movies.

听说有一个值得尊敬的人正在对这个问题穷追猛打?对,他就是《银河护卫队(Guardians of the Galaxy)》的编剧兼导演詹姆斯·古恩(James Gunn),他对即将现身《惊奇队长》的斯库鲁人十分感兴趣。

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